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Migori, Kenya - There are now 24 Church of God, Seventh-day pastors who wish to become Seventh-day Adventists! A ministerial conference will be held the first week of November where the new Adventists will be better prepared to preach the soon coming of Chirst. Thirty full sets of Bible studies have been mailed to Kenya. Please pray that we will be able to return to Kenya to conduct a large reaping series of meetings! One of the pastors has begun a radio program as a means of getting the truth in the hearts of the people.


On the Evangelism Trail
Sept. 28 Columbia, S.C. We will speak and give an update on the Kenyan ministry.

Evangelistic Series St. Johnbury,Vermont saw a revival of primitive godliness. Many tears were shed as members came to understand the Gospel as never before. 

Pickens, S.C. church completed their revival! The latest report is that the revival continues!

The Lord has called this ministry into existence to bring messages that will cure the "Laodicean Complacency" found in too many churches.


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