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Loud Cry Ministries
Oct 12, 2024
2 Christian stumblingblocks.
Sometimes the worst roadblock to learning about Jesus Christ is one of His own followers.
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Loud Cry Ministries
Nov 8, 2023
It Is Past Time to Awaken
I had gone to a restaurant for lunch and to study my Bible. As I passed a table to pick up my order, I noticed a woman and her husband...
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Loud Cry Ministries
Jun 20, 2023
America: Good or Bad? Not for the faint of heart.
When I first learned that my country was spoken about in the Bible, I was excited. Being a former Marine who fought in South Vietnam, I...
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Loud Cry Ministries
May 13, 2022
Encouragement for Russian Soldiers
I, too, fought in an unpopular war. Most of the world has taken a stand against the country of Russia. But what is a Russian soldier to...
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Loud Cry Ministries
Apr 28, 2022
Encouraging Ukraine (God, why don't you do something?)
War is an enigma to most people. In a place at war, people change quickly. Reports of murders, rape, and other inhumane acts are coming...
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Loud Cry Ministries
Oct 11, 2021
The Beast's False Prophet
In the last days of Earth, there are three powers that combine their efforts to destroy God's people; the Beast, the False Prophet, and...
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Loud Cry Ministries
Sep 10, 2021
Why all the Covid, fires, earthquakes, ...(image by Ralph Iambrecht)
Many of us have seen the "Armageddon nutcases" proclaiming, "the end is near." Have you ever thought about the fact that one day they...
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Loud Cry Ministries
Jun 20, 2021
Why You Can Go On!
I enjoyed the movie, Castaway with Tom Hanks. Especially poignant was the scene in which the main character, Chuck Noland, was being...
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Loud Cry Ministries
Apr 2, 2021
False Prophets asking Forgiveness
What an eye opener these last few years have been! Christ said there would be false prophets in the last days. (Matt. 24:24) People by...
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Loud Cry Ministries
Dec 27, 2020
Three Components of Revival
God has made it clear that we must experience a revival if we are to endure the time of trouble that is accelerating toward us. Through...
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Loud Cry Ministries
Dec 16, 2020
Why Do I Believe That?
I needed new tires. Graduate school had us financially strapped. While reading the community paper, I came upon a classified ad for a...
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Loud Cry Ministries
Dec 10, 2020
Even the Very Elect
Jesus warned that at the end of time deception would be perfected. The sophistries of the times would be so effective that nearly...
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Loud Cry Ministries
Dec 4, 2020
On Being Perfect
This thing about being perfect is a queer idea. Children live out their lives attempting to please a parent who expects perfection. ...
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Loud Cry Ministries
Nov 28, 2020
What We Need Around Here is a Revival
I announced to one of my churches that I would like to conduct a revival. One of the leaders came to me privately and asked, "What's a...
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Loud Cry Ministries
Oct 16, 2020
Let's Get the Country back to God! Right?!
A time that will try our hearts is approaching like a swirling tornado. As God's Spirit is grieved away by men's hardened hearts, we may...
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Loud Cry Ministries
Aug 28, 2020
The Good Old Days
Men are inherently bad and as long as we have the reign here on Earth, there will never be sustained peace among nations.
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Loud Cry Ministries
May 31, 2020
Angry America
The time is coming and is not far off when we shall see the anger of today transform into the suppression of tomorrow. How do we know? In
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Loud Cry Ministries
Mar 20, 2020
Is This the End?
We Seventh-Day Adventists have trying to tell the world of the soon coming of Christ. Jesus said there would be earthquakes in "diverse"...
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Loud Cry Ministries
Jan 15, 2020
A Definite Description for Our Times
God says we are wretched and to be pitied. We are not rich, but poor. We are blind. Notice that the Lord isn't talking to unconverted
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